Monday, April 24, 2006

HOSTEL... a review of sorts

Last night instead of doing my laundry I decided to watch Hostel the Eli Roth film produced by everybody’s boy Quentin. I have to say that I was surprised to find that I really liked the film.
Hostel tells the story of 3 backpackers Josh, Paxton, and Oli (By the way, this Oli is way cooler than the Oli we know because he scores a lot of hot Euro tail. Still as I immediately felt a connection with this character I was slightly conflicted. On the one hand engaging in a 3 way with 2 Chech girls is cool but then I couldn’t help but feel a responsibility to shout at the screen “Oli don’t bang that Euro skank… you don’t know where she’s been! At least wear a condom!” You know Oli, always a fan of the bareback.)
What was I saying..?
So these 3 guys are traveling through Europe and making a point to smoke or bang anything that gets in their way. It's During their visit to Amsterdam that they’re told about this out of the way hostel in Slovakia where the local ladies are more than willing to accept any male companionship that might turn up. So of course they go check it out and it’s not long after their arrival that the finger-chopping, Achilles heel-slashing, blood-soaked apron wearing begins. Oh and then there was that part with the drill…UGH!
Good stuff I’m telling you. There is even a cameo by Takashi Miike who plays a satisfied customer. In comparison to his films this one is tame, so if you wanted something a little more visceral or are just a fan of piano wire may I suggest The Audition.
All in all for its fun and hedonistic portrayal of backpackers, babes, drugs, and all that torture stuff in an exotic far away locals I give it 2 thumbs up.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Pass the neck chains and body oil

Rumor has it that there is some “killer workout” floating around out there. Personally I’d like to see what that’s all about if it’s all the same to you guys. I’ve been working out on the fairly consistent side for just over a month now. The current resurgence was partially driven by “supplements” which I’ve since stopped using and a visit to the WB site. Odd I know but just go with me on this….
I was looking for info on Batman Begins (2) and I went to the WB site and instead found a link to The 300. Which if you’re into movie making or like to see the DVD bonus features before the film is not to be missed. In one of the featurettes they discuss the physical training for the actors and how they never repeated the same workout routine, which I found interesting. So I set out to vary my own routine.

For the first two weeks I did what I would call my normal workout and then I dug through my storage closet and found the mother of all workout tomes Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. I have the dirty 70’s version not the cleaned up prissy ass PC new one. There are 3 levels of workouts with step by step guides and pictures to mold you into to pure steel. I have never ventured too far from the basic work out and given that roids shrink your balls and give you acne I doubt I ever will. But It’s a fantastic book full of old skool exercises. If you ever wanted to fuck with the would be gym tough guys ( the ones who make a lot of noise while attempting to life the entire weight stack on a machine while using poor form) adding any one of the following exercises to your workout will easily do the trick: Deadlifts, Bent over Rows, Barbell Clean and Press, or Standing Triceps Extensions with Barbell. No one does these anymore, at least not at 24 and nothing says I will eat your babies like a well executed clean and press followed by a crazy stare.
This week I’m starting some crazy ergo crap I pulled from my Men’s Health days. But I’m always looking for something new so if you want to post your own workout or would like the Govanator’s special recipe for strenf let me know and I will post it as well.

We've got 'em on the run!

Well I’m glad to see that this space is getting soooo much use.
Anyway I actually have a lot to gripe about these says so it shouldn’t be empty for long. I’ve been working on my Goodrich T and I think it’s just about done. I had to reduce a lot of the detail, making the transfer a little easier but I think I like it more this way. I don’t know maybe it doesn’t need the large BF, perhaps that is inherently understood. Then again maybe not.
Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Weiner Is His Name...

And cuttin' mufukkas is his game. I saw ol' "Look at my" Weiner today and he gave me the green light for resuming the consumption of alcoholic beverages. I thanked the Doc for his steady hands and he told me to lose weight and quit being such a pussbag about my liver. I thanked him again for his steady hands.
I had a feeling things would go well. Before I left, I opened the mail, and there by God was a letter from Prager. We all know how I feel about the Prager. They were writing to remind me to update my CC info before the April 25th shipment of liquid heaven. Prager knows, they always know.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled progamming....

Monday, April 10, 2006

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Hey Miguel...

Why haven't you posted the Photoshop job that spawned this thing's name? I think we owe it to our readers. I'm calling you out.

TV Party Tonight

Why wouldn't Henry Rollins have a show on IFC? It's a silly question. The second episode of the new season is tonight, and my Tivo is fired UP. If you missed the first one- here's a recap. (Disclaimer: I like Henry Rollins and his work, even though his post-Black Flag output ranged from raw and honest to we-get-the-fucking-point-already, so I'm not making too much fun of him here. Honest.)

The show had four segments. First, a sit-down with Oliver Stone. Not much to mention here, except for Henry's posture. He's at the edge of his seat, back straight, in case this gap-toothed slob violates the punk ethos and Henry has to throw the fuck down.

Next, my favorite. It's a mildly amusing open letter to Laura Bush. Far, far more amusing is the setting. Henry writes from a bombed-out squatter's mansion while in the bathtub. On a Powerbook. It's so goddamned bleak, Henry has to eat salt.

In fact, he's so far off the square, workaday, running-water and wallpapered grid, Henry dries his hands on one of those moebius strip hand towels you'll find in finer NASCAR-themed tavern bathrooms. If that doesn't scream hard core, you're just not listening anymore.

After that, it went downhill. How could it not, though? Approaching that level of self-parody really takes it out of a host. Sleater-Kinney, who I just plain don't fucking get, performed. Henry paid sarcastic tribute to the Blackberry. Then he gave props to a filmmaker who worked with gay themes far before Brokeback Mountain. This may have been the most real Rollins moment- calling out a popular culture touchstone by reminding everyone that underground filmmakers and musicians have been doing shit waaaay more innovative long before it bubbles up, watered-down and blessed by US weekly. Like I said, I'm looking forward to tonight's episode. Chuck D is on. He's a smart guy and may get Rollins to loosen up more than Stone did.

I Love This Picture

From Deadspin. Perfect form. I remember from my golf lessons that you want your gut, cigarette and club head to all line up in the same direction.

Yeah, well- at least I updated this thing.